How to open a support ticket?

How do we connect to Glide Support.

I’m here

and i can’t find any button to open a support ticket

Please note: Glide Support is available with any paid plan. If you need help with a Billing Issue (on any plan), you should open a Billing Enquiry via the Glide Support Page.

(Last updated: 9th May 2024)

To create a Support Ticket:

  • Open the App that is giving you problems, and click on the Question mark in the bottom right corner of the builder:

  • Select Get Help:

  • Select Support:

CleanShot 2024-05-09 at 21.10.57@2x

  • Glide will prompt you to create a support link for your App. Click on Create Link:

  • A form will open in a new browser tab:

  • Fill in the form and submit it.

After submitting the form, you will receive an email from Glide Support with a ticket number. If you have any further information to provide, you should reply to that email.


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@Darren_Murphy doing this process, I cant see this options Open Support Ticket

Which team plan do you have?

I tried in a free plan… but does this make any difference?

Yes. Only Pro Plans and above will see that option.

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This doesnt make sense… but ok