I made the User Profile setup but my User Sheet has no new registers…
In my APP apears 27 users, in my User Sheet has 6 and in the DATA this same sheet has 12…
Someone else have this same problem?
I’m worried that I’m going to lose new users for that.
There is something that I can do to solve that?
Is this the number you see on the Glide dashboard?
Yes, when I log in.
Here’s what it means.
Can you also clarify more about this case?
Thanks @ThinhDinh, I start the app just 2 days ago, but if it has 27 unique users, do you know why my Users Sheet has only 6, and in the Glide DATA 12?
I just logged in with a different email right now and it doesn’t appear on my Users Sheet .
That is what Im worried about…
Do you mind sharing your settings for your “Users Sheet”. Have you enabled user profiles?
Yes, I did
Scroll to the bottom of your user sheet. Are you using array formulas?
Yes,there is a ArrayFormula to sum the choice components for each user.
Is that a problem?
And I found the emails in the botton of the sheet!
No it’s not a problem. You just need to make sure to delete all empty rows in your sheet if you use array formulas. Otherwise Glide will see them as filled and any new records are written as a new row at the button if the sheet.
Thanks @Jeff_Hager!
This community is amazing!
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