Notification push

push notifications in comments are having problems because when a new comment appears in the notification it doesn’t appear

public but email access type


Only people who:

  1. have also commented on the thread
  2. and who are not the author
  3. and are not viewing the page when the comment happens
  4. and are on Android
  5. and have accepted Push Notifications when posting their own comment

will be notified.


so the first time the notification appeared but then stopped I insert a comment but no notification arrives

to something related to privacy

It is a doubt if the app is locked and someone comments on something the notification appears or the app has to be open

This isn’t a big push for me until IOS allows notifications, but I have an app I created for my bowling team. It has a schedule and I have enabled comments for each weekly entry. One user made a comment this week, but I never saw a notification. Now seeing that I would have needed to also have a comment for that date to see a notification (item 1 in your list), would it be feasible to allow an on/off option to send a notification to all users, regardless if they had previously commented or not? My team uses the app to create a schedule of who bowls each week and I was hoping the comments could be used to communicate to all team members if somebody can’t make it that week or if they need a future date off. I know not everybody is going to go into the app on a regular basis to check if there are any comments. Again, this isn’t a big deal for me right now since half of the users are on IOS, but maybe something to consider for the future. Currently a lot of our communication is through text or email threads.

Hey David - wondering how far away having notifications that can be ‘rule based’ for users is? I.e: I want to send push notifications for users who have logged in 3 days.

Or I want to send a reminder to do a specific task? (I.e go walk your dog…)

Forgive me if this already exists.



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Are push notifications glide branded or pro domain branded ? Thanks

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I have a solution for PUSH NOTIFICATIONS. It works with IOS and ANDROID. It is quick and has ZERO cost to everyone. You can do this in your google sheet or a separate sheet that is linked to your original (I used 4 linked sheets, I’ll explain later). 1st you setup on your sheet a variable or value you are wanting to trigger the notification. This data will need a VLOOKUP formula to link to the person you want notified’s phone number and phone carrier, so when the vlaue on the sheet is found using VLOOKUP it will display next to it the phone number and carrier. A text message can be sent using email addresses as long as you know the carrier email setup. I will list these at the end of this so you know how to setup your VLOOKUP to find the right one. Next to these cells you need a cell that combines the 2 cells(ex. Second link the data to another Google Sheet using IMPORTRANGE. the data you link is going to be the variable(s) you are wanting notifications to be triggered by. On this same sheet you will have the above mentioned combined email address displayed (when its really a text address). Now that we isolated the person we wanted to send a message to we can setup a message in the same manner using VLOOKUP or we can setup a default message in the Google Script.
Open up Scripts and use this script. Now keep in mind you can customize this to work on the same Google Sheet you App resides in but I chose not to because google limits 500 emails per day per account…so I made 4 dummy accounts for 2k notifications per day

  • Sends emails with data from the current spreadsheet.
    function sendEmails() {
    var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
    var startRow = 2; // First row of data to process
    var numRows = 2; // Number of rows to process
    // Fetch the range of cells A2:B3
    var dataRange = sheet.getRange(startRow, 1, numRows, 2);
    // Fetch values for each row in the Range.
    var data = dataRange.getValues();
    for (var i in data) {
    var row = data[i];
    var emailAddress = row[0]; // First column
    var message = row[1]; // Second column
    var subject = ‘Sending emails from a Spreadsheet’;
    MailApp.sendEmail(emailAddress, subject, message);

With a few modifications you can set it up anyway you want really. Here is the carrier list I have compiled so far.

And there you have it. Free notifications for anything in your app you need them for


Thanks for the tip.

Just one thing on your carrier list. Is everything aligned properly? Just spot checking a few and it seems like the carrier doesn’t always match the text domain. For example, I’m pretty sure Verizon is vtext, but it’s showing as Alltel. I could be wrong, but it looked odd to me.

Sorry, heres the corrected list:



Nice! I love the ingenuity on this solution. Good work on finding a free solution! I’m going to try it out, because I’d love to get real-time notifications working. Almost all of my beta participants have asked for them.

Sorry, I am not really understand the coding and where should I put the code?

Could you explain more please?

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Ok, so under tools in your google sheet you have script editor. once you select that it will open up a java/VBA inspired window where you will enter the script I proveded earlier. once you enter the script it will run whenever a change in this google sheets workbook has a change,you can change the script to only run when a specific page has changes or even specific cells.

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does this send email or sms or notification from glide app

If you attach phoen number to carrier it’s sms, if you just use email its email.

Great workaround. My Search and Rescue team uses a native iOS/Android app called “I am Responding” that uses this implementation. The problem is that every text based notification is flagged as possible spam (for me at least). Have you seen that with your implementation?

Also, I noticed that the texts come from a new number every time which clutters up my text messaging app very quickly.

Any Indian carrier list you’ve complied? :stuck_out_tongue:

In some cases yes, Sorry for such a late response. I had to host the app on a new site because of it.

Hi, thanks again for your workaround! Super cool!
A couple of quick clarifying questions:

  1. is it correct that for this to work (for SMS), you have to first retrieve from each user their cell carrier, for example, by requesting that as they set up their profile?
  2. Could you show your script configured to send sms instead of email? You mention, ‘if you attach phone number to carrier, it’s sms’…but it’s not clear where to do that.

Again, thanks so much!!

Yes, that is correct. You can use an additional service to extract that info from just a mobile number input I guess.

Once you have the service name, I assume you will have their email template filled in. It looks like an email, but actually will send the text to the user’s phone number.

Something like