"Add to home screen button" not popping up

Appreciate the speediness!

Bit of background — this is the same app I was having speed issues with on Android due to its complexity and number of computed columns, so I rebuilt it completely in Glide Tables. To give it a proper test, I need to install it on my device and see if things have improved. I expect they will, but testing will tell!


Fixed on my app! Thank you @david and Team!

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Are there updated instructions for Iphone users on how to add app to homescreen? I’m having several users complain they can’t find that option on their iphones. I don’t have an iphone so cannot advise them.
Having a loom video for android and iphone users every time this feature changes would be super helpful so we can just share the link offered by Glide without having to recreate it for each of our user communities every time there is a update. Thanks!

This feature has not changed. Here are the instructions:



Also make sure you tell them to open the link in Safari. If they open it from a shared message (say in Gmail or Facebook) then that option won’t become available, at least for iOS.

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