When I posted my app link on facebook, when users click on it, it opens in chrome by default and doesn’t let a user know how to save it to the home screen.
Only in safari is it popping up and working and no matter what link I post it defaults to opening in chrome any suggestions?
Are you sure it’s not opening in facebook’s internal browser instead of chrome?
Have they already dismissed the popup to install? If it’s dismissed, it won’t show again. In chrome you should be able to click on chromes settings and click on Add to Home Screen (on Android).
Which devices are the users using? Is it Android with Chrome or IOS with Chrome? I don’t think IOS users that are using Chrome don’t have the option to add to home screen. Progressive Web Apps, which are what Glide apps are, run on top of a web browser. The browser needs to allow PWA’s to be able for them to be added to the home screen.
I’m not sure it might be opening in facebooks internal browser. When I share the link straight from the app or they scan the website code it works fine on my iPhone, so I just assumed it would prompt the same when I shared it on Facebook. But from what you’re saying they have to take an extra step to turn a setting on. I looked Myself and didn’t know which to turn on, so I know many other users won’t either and that’s a bummer.
I think that becomes the problem when an social app’s internal browser is used. I don’t thing there is a way around it other than explaining the process to the user.
Here is a video of both ways from someone’s phone that has never downloaded the app before. It might just be because its opening up in facebooks browser put would hope there’s a way around this.
On iPhone and iPad, you can only add Glide apps to your home screen from Safari. You cannot add them from Chrome, Firefox, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or any other app’s built-in browser. Only from Safari. This is a limitation imposed by Apple, so if you know anyone at Apple, please complain!
They may have to include directions within the app or in the ad to open the link manually in their proper browser. I’ve done some google searching and it seems to be a common problem, but I haven’t seen any solutions.
We’re aware how limiting this is and want this to change as much as you!
For now, I would do as @Jeff_Hager says - make sure that your call to action has clear instructions in it. ‘Open this link in Safari to add to your home screen’ and also something in the app as well.
As a workaround or other idea. Maybe instead of posting a link to your app you post a link to some kind of marketing signup page like MailChimp. You could then eventually send them a link via email which should be default be opened with Safari. I realize that there will be a fair amount that will just think you are trying to collect email addresses but the up side is that you will be collecting them to follow up with if they do or don’t use the app.
I personally use Chrome on my Mac as well as on iPhone. I gave Safari a try but didn’t workout for me. Chrome just pulled everything together for me. Maybe Safari does too but why should I switch? So not having “Add to home screen” in Chrome is a big let down. This is the first step that will allow user to create a shortcut so every time they won’t have to type in URL to open it like a website. So if this step is missed, there is a big chance that the user will loose interest in the app.
What percentage of iOS users use Chrome? Is there a stat?
@mthakershi This is not a bug or issue with Glide, it’s just the way Chrome handles it. The change in behavior plea should go to Google Chrome, as Glide has zero control over this behavior.
Only Chrome on Android and Safari on IOS properly support PWA apps. Like mentioned above, you’ll have to take it up with the big boys to get that changed. I assume it has to do with the tight integration of the default browser and the operating system. You can always instruct the user to use the default browser to open that app and add to home screen, then they can go back to using their browser of choice for everything else.
I’m having an issue with the Add to Homescreen prompt no longer popping up for a new app I just created (Chrome, Android). My Chrome version must have updated recently because tabs are all laid out differently so I’m not sure if it’s an update issue.
Even when manually selecting add to homescreen in the menu, the app is added as a web shortcut and not an app.
Same chrome version here. Interesting though, I’m have the same result with your app. No popup and the Add to Homescreen creates a web shortcut instead. Can you add a second tab to see if that makes it act differently? There must be something that’s not making it register as a PWA.