Visibility settings in form using previous screen

Hi, I see that images and text from the previous screen can be used in a form.

But when I go to apply some visibility settings to the input I am unable to select visibility using criteria from the previous screen.

Is there a way to do this?

Or can someone suggest something that works in a similar way?

As an alternative to using the Glide native form, you can create your own form on the same screen using a Link to Screen → This Item action. I described how this works in an earlier reply to another post…


That’s a little tricky in a form. If I recall, I think any values that are passed through from the parent sheet to the form response sheet will be accessible for visibility conditions. You can try displaying it on the screen, but I think it might only work when you use column value components. I don’t remember for sure though.

So I ended up going with a set columns to user to push the info that I wanted to limit visibility to into a user column.
Then generate a form.
Then when the form is submitted those fields become cleared.
Works a treat.

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