User cannot login


One of my users in my user list cannot log in. he gets a message on his login screen:

“The email address doesn’t have access to this app. Please try another.”

I deleted his user details row and readded him but the problem persists. i have created other users after him and they can access information

Is he giving you the wrong email address ? That could be simple as that :slight_smile:

Or is HE taking the wrong address…

What authentication method are you using ?

No its an email address that he uses regularly for other stuff. i have corresponded with that email in outlook previously

pin code to email

Is the user trying to sign in using a business email on an app under the Free or Maker plan?


the email address is from an ISP here in South Africa. ISP name

Im on a free plan

Read this.

Use the validator in the linked documentation. If you feel it’s reporting in error, you can request for the domain to be accepted.


ok i understand, he is in the 6th row. but the other users above him are test users so i can delete those and it should work?

I need to get as much running as i can to get approval from our organisation. once i can get that done i can then get the approval for a higher glide membership

No, the documentation I shared refers to the limitation of only users with personal email accounts. This has nothing to do with the number of rows in your user table.

I updated my previous post with more information.


You could try to request the domain to be listed! Who knows!

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i tried requesting the domain to be registered but it says this is a business domain and does not qualify for personal use

Although it’s unrelated to the issue, the free plan allows 10 unique users per month. Not 5 as the document leads you to believe.

If this domain is only for the ISP customers, I think it may be considered personal… What do you think @Jeff_Hager ?

Im not sure if the actual employees of the ISP use the same domain. i think i will just ask him to create a gmail for now that i can use for testing purposes.

But thank you Jeff and Maxime for your speedy response

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So you clicked on the Request button, entered your explanation of why you think it’s valid, and Glide responded back to you already?

Typically yes, emails assigned by an ISP have been accepted. I’ve submitted a couple of requests in the past for ISP based emails.

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Good to know !

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i changed my reason and it submitted for review

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i think there was an auto response to my initial explanation


If that doesn’t work, you’ll have to go the Gmail route.

If you ever upgrade to a Business or higher plan, then you will be able to use any email address. The restriction only applies to Free and Maker plans.