Email Address Doesn't Have Access to App

Anyone else getting this error?

What are your privacy settings? Are you intentionally trying to limit access to certain emails?

I don’t have any limits on who can sign in. It was working before, but this message just popped up when somone tried to login.

What are your privacy settings?

Public with email

Do you have good internet access on that device? I’ve seen that message on public apps when the app can’t successfully connect to glide. Whether its a glide issue or an issue with the user’s internet connection.


Thanks…let me ask!

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How about Private with emails from a user table, I still get the error, “The email address doesn’t have access to this app. Please try another.”

Does your Users table contain the email you are trying to use to sign in?

Yes it does

I don’t know if you are intentionally cutting it off, but your screenshot doesn’t show any data in your Users table. Based on your privacy settings, the user’s email address needs to exist in a row in the table before they are allowed to sign in.

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Is it the same issue for this?
So for this particular email, I can get in but I cannot view any data.

So this is a separate issue? I would need more information. If you are talking about the hint component, I would need to know more about how it’s configured to display. It’s also possible that you are maybe using Row Owners in a way that would prevent data from being accessible if the signed in user is not the row owner. Or maybe you have additional filters or visibility conditions. Hard to tell based on what you are showing.

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I wasn’t too sure if it was something separate entirely, but it does seem like something is wrong with how my User table is set up.
Issues from the inability to log in to being unable to view data. Trying to figure it out piece by piece.