URGENT: Legacy Plan Stopped working

My legacy plan was moved to the new billing, I was told it will not affect my billing, but now all my apps in this plan have stopped working.

It is saying update limit reached.

I have raised a ticket but anyone assist please, I have production apps being used 24x7 in this plan responding to emergency roadside breakdown and transport jobs.

No warning emails or anything to say it was reaching a limit, didn’t even know there was a limit and then it gets suspended at the end of the day when there is no billing support


I also have this enabled, so not sure what is going on


I have an extremely irate client because he has irate clients. I have heard nothing back from Glide, there is no number to call and unless I get this resolved, I may end up loosing one of my bigger clients.

Any support, ideas, direction will be appreciated.

Can you help with this @NoCodeAndy ?

Thanks @ThinhDinh

@NoCodeAndy I just need it switched back on, I can deal with the billing tomorrow and clear it up.

At 6am (5am EST) things start to get busy… we have put an excel and some PHP scripts to assist them for now but I really need some help please.

I am unable to enable this feature. I enabled it about 2 weeks ago and now it seems to have reverted, but when I enable it now, it goes back to disable state again.


@ThinhDinh - Thanks for the tag.

@Dan_San - Looking into it! Will update this thread when I have more info.

@NoCodeAndy Hi Andy, thanks for the follow up. DJP got it working in the early hours of the morning. I’m not sure exactly what he did so it is working now.

However, I have a billing issue on this, I have sent multiple emails to billing, support and sales, not sure if you can assist of nudge someone internally. Basically this was a legacy plan that was migrated to the business plan, but the billing has skyrocketed when it should have been fixed/equiv to the legacy plan and I need to speak to someone to clear it up.

@Dan_San - Glad to hear DJP got it working.

I’ll check on your billing issue and follow up with the support team. :+1:


I’ve the same problem here! It’s urgent! I have like 4000 rows (gsheets) that don’t appear on the app.

Send a DM to @DJP with your Team ID.

Your Team ID is in the URL of your Glide dashboard, e.g.

He’ll be able to take a look.