My App/Pages support link:
Describe the bug:
The ‘Send email’ trigger/action doesn’t work.
Expected behavior:
This review should send an email directly to me and it does not
How to replicate:
This action was also tested by @ThinhDinh with screen shot attached here:
Comment on this post is here: 'Send email' trigger/action didn't work - #10 by ThinhDinh
Have you talked to DJP and the team about the bug? I saw DJP commenting on your thread earlier.
Hey, Katelyn! Could you DM me your team ID and app ID, so I can look into this further?
Did you already open a support ticket?
April 18, 2023, 6:30pm
Legacy Public Pro apps do not have access to this feature. Only Legacy Private Pro apps have access to the Send Email
If you would like access to this feature, upgrade to any paid team plan on our Pricing Page .
1 Like
Got it, David, thanks. Are there any resources out there that indicate what other features are not available on the legacy apps so I know what is a bug versus intentional?
April 19, 2023, 4:37pm
Not currently. We would recommend migrating to the latest team plans!
April 20, 2023, 4:38pm
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