Send email action not working

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  • Send email action is not working, it gives me an error but i am not sure why

How to replicate

Are you on a trial plan ? If you do, send email integration doesn’t work with trial plan. You can use Gmail integration instead.


If this is related to the Gmail integration, please check out this article: GMail Send Email issues | Glide Help Center

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No Maxime we are on a Business Plan

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No… I have issue with the Glide Send Email action. I am not trying to send email from Gmail. I am traying to send an email from Glide notification email to the app user

Is your payment failing? If you’re account is past due, we also disable sending email.

Hi David, the account is still on a Trial period. is this the issue?


Yes, trials are also prevented from using that email action because of abuse in the past.

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