Update: New restrictions for Send Email action ⚠️

Hello Gliders,

The Send Email action is working again for teams on paid plans. It will not work for teams on free, trialing, or past due plans.

This week’s outage was the result of users abusing free trials to send bulk email spam. We’ve restricted access to the Send Email action to prevent future abuse.

If you’re currently evaluating Glide on a free trial, we recommend using our Gmail or Outlook integrations as an alternative for sending emails from your Glide apps.

Thank you!


Getting tons of errors at the moment – and I am using the Gmail integration?

Any update?


mails is critically important for my app.

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I’m going to be working on switching to the Gmail integration temporarily, but don’t want to hunt/find/replace all instances if same errors will happen. Can you confirm that Gmail integration is throwing errors as well? Do your actions have the Glide or Gmail symbol next to the “Send email” step?

Ah, I am sorry, you are right. I wasn’t aware I had to change all of my actions. Thats not going to happen, so just waiting for Glide to fix here…

I am having issues with the Gmail send email action but not sure if it is something i am doing wrong as I haven’t needed to use it before. This is with static text in the subject and body and the JSON looks correct in the history log, still getting this error.

Having better luck with the Outlook send email action so will be moving to that for now.

It’s critically important for most apps. :slight_smile:

Good news, though: It looks like the fix is in place and rolling out.

Due to the nature of email/DNS/etc, it’ll take a bit of time to propagate.

I’ll keep this thread updated with details as I get them from the team.


Be aware other users for using gmail instead of send mail action.

From my findings you can’t use a gmail account that uses . in the first part. Like temp.app.mails@gmail.com. Doesn’t work glide gives this error: “Send email: ‘From’ must use the format ‘My Name email@host.com’”

Good to be aware of this before you create a gmail. to replace the native glide send mail function.

Hello ! Still not working on my side and Glide says that the problem is fixed. Am I the only one? I have an error email which says : [Send email] Unknown error sending email

You are not alone, my actions are also failing when they contain sent email.

Still not working here as well, any updates? This is a critical part of my clients applications!

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Still not working even after glide sent all ok msg late yesterday; this is very disruptive to our biz. Then see glide team is in offsite…which is poor timing. I would’ve expected not only resolution yesterday but also many updates through the night (presuming someone was actually working on it).

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thanks for letting the group know of this flaw in the suggestion.

@NoCodeAndy when was the fix implemented today? I am still receiving errors as-of 11:40 AM ET.

@mstam2 – The errors will continue until the fix is completely rolled out.

That message is just saying that you can’t put just an email in the From. It has to have a name as well. So support@glideapps.com will not work but:
Glide Support < support@glideapps.com > will work. Make sure to surround the email with < and > like this < email-here >


Hey folks,

The Send Email action is working again for teams on paid plans.

I’ve updated the initial post with details.


Thanks, I wish I knew that before. I got it to work by removing the email address and just leaving it blank :thinking: