I want to use an inline list and choose a relation column previously made in the data tab of a specific sheet…but Glide message says there is no relation for that sheet or shows other different relations.
Any idea why? Any limits in columns per sheet? Thanks
I think an inline list component and a list relation component need ‘Multiple’ to be selected to work. A Relation component needs ‘Multiple’ to not be selected for it to work.
For a relation column, I tend to use Multiple in most cases since I don’t use the Relation component very often. I see it making more of a difference when using a Relation column in combination with a Lookup column. If you intend to use a Lookup with a Basic text component, then you cannot select Multiple on the Relation column. If you need an array of multiple values for an image carousal or per user data with multiple emails, then multiple will need to be selected for the relation column.
what do you mean you use a relation column to create a multiple relation
or are you talking of the component if it is the component it should be visible in a details screen
It is multiple matching not single and every time i try to add component relation there is amessage that my data sheet doesnot contain arelation column although my data sheet has arelation column