Private Images

Is there any way to upload a picture that can only be seen by logged in users?
I am considering uploading some images that contain some information that can not be public (like a copy of National ID)

Yes, see my answer in the other recent thread.

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This will going to display the images only to the user, but the image itself remains public.
Anyone with the URL can still have access to the images.

This solution should work for non-sensitive information, but not in my case.

That is correct, but the URL of the image is not displayed in the app itself. So even though it is public link the exact link would be impossible see unless someone hacked your spreadsheet. But if the image is that high security then any mobile app without VPN and some kind of encryption would be considered non secure.

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An image URL can easily be stripped out of the page source code using a browser and is technically publicly accessible (no login is required to view the image), so I’d be careful putting super highly sensitive data in a Glide app at this time. Plus I don’t believe it’s currently encrypted on the installed device, so anybody could probably pull the images from your cache.

Maybe a link to a third party hosting service that requires further authentication.

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I’m currently planning to hold the data in GCP with access policies that only allow access through VPN.
Thank you

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