My App/Pages support link:
Describe the bug:
Pin requests in general have been delayed lately, taking up to a couple minutes to receive - when it should be almost instant. Today I was testing a new feature and noticed that my subsequent requests for pins were extremely delayed (1 hour and 1.5 hours) or have not come at all (still waiting for a couple pins, not in spam, and refreshed email many many times)
Expected behavior:
All pin requests should come almost immediately
How to replicate:
Request a pin, and then request to receive another pin
Link to demo recording:
**I have screen shots:
At 10:58AM I received my first pin
A minute later I turned off new magic link setting in Glide to test and requested another pin. At 11:08 it had still not arrived so I tried to use original pin which did not work.
I also started a timer because I was so frustrated with how long the PINS were taking. I stopped timer at 11:11AM and then requested another pin.
Those 2 pins were not recieved until 1hr and 1.5hrs later
I also turned the magic link back on and then requested ANOTHER pin and I have still not received that one. I also requested multiple pins from a friends Glide app (not messing with magic link button but shown on my email screen shots). First two requests came in, third one did not, still waiting.
This also shows that i have nothing in my spam
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Updating that the last 2 pins I was waiting for (mentioned above) came through just now in the same minute. Roughly 2 hours later.

Thanks for flagging, @Katelyn_Alberts, and sorry for the slowness!
I’m this along to the engineering team for investigation.
This probably isn’t a helpful comment, but I wanted to share some thoughts, which may or may not be related here.
Where I work, we have a higher level third party email gateway that scans all incoming email before it makes it to our inbox. For one, it does delay the email slightly (30 seconds or so). Also, it’s completely independent of our normal spam folder, so it’s possible for an email to be delayed or quarantined higher up the chain, before it even gets to my inbox or spam folder.
We also have web servers where I work, and if something goes ballistic and starts kicking out thousands of error emails, then we have message rate limits that kick in and start rejecting emails from that particular sender until things settle down.
Also, many email providers pre-scan emails to check for spam or viruses, which could cause a delay if they are backed up in queue.
In the past I have experienced the rare occurrence, where certain apps would never send a pin email. They were never my apps, and like I said…very rare. I haven’t experienced issues with my apps, but my user base is at most 3 people.
Whenever I test other people’s apps, I tend to use mailinator for the email, which is a public inbox and has zero spam filtering. With that I’ve always received the pin email faster than I can open the window to retrieve it.
I would consider testing with some sort of public inbox. I use mailinator, but I believe there are others. It would be a good way to at least eliminate your email providers as a possibile source of the delay.
Thanks for the tip re: testing with a public inbox, @Jeff_Hager! 
In this particular case, it looks like there was an issue with the vendor we use for sending out PIN emails. The issue should be resolved now.
@Katelyn_Alberts: If you continue to see delays in the PIN emails, please drop another post in this thread and tag me.
Thanks for this additional info Jeff! Always good to have more awareness around the causes of any issues. I myself, had a gathering at my house this weekend and tried to log onto my app quickly and it was not loading at all until I realized i had to get off the wifi because there was not enough bandwidth with everyone using it!
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This is yet another reason why we need text based pins.
Yes, text based pins would be awesome, but I’m guessing it’s an additional cost to Glide and that’s why we haven’t seen it.
Somewhat unrelated and off track here, but I really like how Philo handles their sign in process on their apps. They do have a familiar pin process like glide for their website. You get a pin sent through email or text, and the email will also include a magic link, so you can enter the pin or click the magic link to open a new window which is automatically signed in.
BUT, what’s really innovative is how Philo handles it for their apps. When you sign into their app, it simply asks for a phone number or email. Then they send a text or email, but with a different type of magic link (a pin may or may not be included depending on the type of device that is signing in). This unique magic link authorizes the app to sign in, even if it’s on a different device. Clicking on the link simply verifies the device that requested to sign in and when you click on confirm, you can then close that window and the app be signed in on the device. So, for example, on my firetv stick, I can open the app and enter my email or phone number to sign in. That then sends an email or text message which I can open on my phone or computer. Clicking the link and confirming will cause the app on my firetv to automatically sign in without having to enter a pin. So regardless of where the sign in happened, I can use another device to authorize that app to sign in just by clicking the link in my email/text message. It’s really slick and probably the simplest sign in process I’ve ever experienced.
I would love if Glide did something like Philo. They already have a magic link, which is great, but not very useful if the app is already installed or already opened in another browser window. What’s Glide’s magic link does now is open a browser instance of the same app that was already open. Whereas, if they did something like Philo, then the magic link would simply authorize the already open app. Maybe there is a technical limitation with PWA’s vs Native apps to do something like this, but it’s also a technique that I’ve never seen before, so maybe it’s not well known.