Only 10 pins appear on the map!

Only 10 pins appear on the map.
I’ve heard an answer from AI, but it doesn’t help.

I enter data into the glide table and use coordinates for the address of the map.
No problem with the data, no pin limits.

Only the top 10 rows are displayed and do not appear on the map from the 11th row.

If you raise the 11th row up, it will reappear on the map.
(The existing 10th row goes down and does not appear on the map)

Why is this happening??

Does this mean you are on a pricing plan that does not have pin limits? I am pretty sure in classic apps, on the free plan the limit is 10 pins.

Here you see 10 pins, and I have 12 in my data:

Here is the same in new Apps (pages) with 18 pins:


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