I have a long-existing sheet that includes these fields: Player, Date, Event, Score, Course.
I assume it is best to create tabs for each of the above, correct? Then make the columns of each as follows:
PLAYER= Name, Email
EVENT= Event Name, Date, Course, Player(s), Par
SCORE= Player, Event, Score
COURSE= Course Name, Par
As the original sheet had some calculations in it as well, another tab would be needed for
STATS= events played, Handicap, rating, averages
Ultimately, I want to be able to list events, then drill down to their results and who played them
Similarly, Players would list events played, then score for that event.
I’ve gotten stumped on relationship fields though … how to set them up, etc.
I am also posting because all this may not even be possible. Has anyone seen a similar golf league type application as this?
I found the Glide app only a couple of days ago so I am truly a novice and learning, but really love what I’ve seen so far! Thanks in advance for any helpful hints in the right direction.