New Choice component feature/functionality

A choice component now gives the option to limit the number of items displayed for the user to choose from…

I am sure the native multi select is on the way. Thank you Glide team. This helps a lot.


Would be a such great!

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I could be wrong, but I think it’s more related to the new feature for inline lists to limit how many items are displayed. Not how many can be selected at once. It’s like a very basic filter.

Imagine if you had 10 items ranked from 1 to 10, but you only want to show and let a user select one of those top three items…you would sort by that rank value, and then only limit to 3 items. Sometimes it’s hard to create a reliable filter if the value you are sorting by is not a simple value. Being able to limit the number of items is actually much simpler than trying to figure out some type of filter.


You are not wrong. You are absolutely right. That is what I actually meant but I also expanded to say that from this point onwards, it will be easier to just add the multi select since you can already do more with the choice component :blush:

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