Multiple In App Filters


is it possible to have multiple in app filters? So the user can combine search for e.g. Location, Price and Duration instead of only one of them.



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Hello again @Rasmus_Jensen,

Unfortunately the component level does not have multiple in app filters available, however you could create one for yourself using an ownered row with say 4 filter columns (arbitrary limit of 4).

You could then create a new user specific column in your dataset table that simply evaluates if each of the filter values applies, then have the app filter on the boolean of that column.

  • So on the page you want to have multifiltering, you would have 4 components which would allow the user to select up to 4 different filter conditions. and an inline list for displaying the results
  • The “Filter” column would use 4 ifs (or if in sheets any function) to find any rows that satisfy all 4 (up to 4) filter conditions. Would spit out TRUE or FALSE in each row accordingly.
  • The inline list which displays your values simply filters on the TRUE of the Filter Column.

Let me know if that makes sense!

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Hi, there are multiple templates around filtering in this “concept” app by @Jeff_Hager @Robert_Petitto :

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Thank you very much for sharing. This is a great solution!

If I understand this correctly, it “only” works when the choice options are identical (Vegan, Healthy, Meat) for all 3 choices. What I am looking for is a solution which have different choice options. E.g. Choice 1 options: Location = North, South, West. Choice 2 options: Price = Cheap, Medium, Expensive and Choice 3 options: Duration = Short, Medium, Long.

The user then make his/her choices among the 3 different options and the product that matches those choices will be shown. Furthermore, if the user does not choose anything for e.g option 2 it will consider all options (cheap, medium, expensive).

Hope this makes sense. If there is a solution to this I would be a very happy man!



Hello. Excellent! That seems like a good solution. Thanks. But I am not sure who I make an if function that refers to a user specific column? I know how to make if functions in the google sheet, but i cant refer to a glide function (user specific column), only to other google sheet columns. If that makes sense?


Brgds Rasmus

This might be something that could help.

In the concept app, there are also other demo, inc. one on “multi match filtering” if I remember well. It is exactly what you describe

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Hello @Rasmus_Jensen, did you find the solution? I’m attempting to solve for this as well.


This concepts app is great - though I’m trying to solve the same problem as the OP and am having a hard time recreating what you’ve done, you seem to be a Glide black belt :slight_smile:

Is there any other references or documentation you have handy?

Maybe this?

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This is great! Thanks Darren for passing along!

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