Link to a web

Yeah, the button is going away because there is no row to pull the link from, which I assume you already knew. I’m assuming that the user has already signed into the app first before filling out the hubspot form. Is there any particular reason you aren’t using a form button within glide to fill out the profile? Does the hubspot form automatically fill in the sheet? You could also consider turning on user profiles, which would automatically fill the sheet with the email so it would have a record to attach to and show the link (created with a simple value column). I don’t know if hubspot can update a row instead of creating a new one though, so that could be a problem. If you created the form within glide, then you could use a link to screen button to fill in the rest of the profile on the user profiles (Emails) sheet. The only other option I can think of is to create a separate tab and put it in the menu, or create a link to screen button to a new sheet that contains only the link. From there you can continue to the hubspot page.

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