Hello Community,
Do you know how to unblock the user-specific check box? I can’t check that box. Do you know why?
Thank you!
Hi! You can activate it only during creating new column. At present column you can’t activate it
Hello Alexey, thank you, The database belongs to Google Sheets. Do I have to create this from cero? I have more than forty columns.
User-specific columns can only be created in Glide’s data editor. The checkbox is only available for basic columns. Once the basic column is created and saved (either as user-specific or not), then the checkbox cannot be changed.
If you wish to change the nature of the column – from non user-specific to user-specific, or vice versa – then you need to create a new column and start replacing one by the other. The “Find uses” feature will help.
Hello Nathanael, thank you for your reply. I did this with one column, but when I select viewing as anyone, it shows the information that should be user-specific; in this case, the input field where “casa” should be blank, right?
Adding the column
Visible to me
Visible to anyone?
Yes thru editor looks like a bug, but at published instance work normally
Hello @slscustom.ru, thank you, you are right; I published it, and it works well, is this a new bug, or has it been running like this for some time?
I don’t remember it in a before you point it
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