Hero icon bug, posting again

My App/Pages Support link:

Describe the bug:

  1. The hero icon column type changes to regular image type and then the icons don’t show on the front end, this happens if you go to the list of “my apps” and re-open the app.
  2. The type changes to text and code of the icon shows instead of the icons.

Expected Behaviour:
Show hero icon type of column should not change

How to replicate:
Describe in detail how to recreate the issue

  1. Change the column for the image to hero icons
  2. Go back to “my apps”
  3. Open the app again, the column type changed back to text, the icons don’t show anymore


I already posted this bug but it was closed without any acknowledgement from the team. Bug is still there. Here’s my old post:

@ThinhDinh @david

I suggest you create a new column in that sheet and make it the “Hero” column. I believe once you have an existing column that is in your Google Sheet you can’t change the type to one of the special types of Glide computed columns.


I think I would agree with @George-Glide. The bug is that you should not have been able to attempt to convert a basic column type to a computed column type in the first place. Basic column types contain actual data. Computed column types compute data one the end user’s device and do not contain actual data. They only show the results of computations.

The plugins should not be showing when you have an actual basic data column established in the table…just like how every other computed column type is not available once you have created a column as basic column type.

The bug is not that the column resets every time. The bug is that you shouldn’t have been allowed to set it up that way in the first place.


@Jeff_Hager is 100% correct.


Thank you @Jeff_Hager and @George-Glide, your solution really solved my problem! Still a bug though!

You saved me many frustrating hours, so I am very grateful.

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