Help! Unable to publish my new app

My app’s URL: N/A (unable to publish)

I’m currently having an issue that is disallowing me from publishing a new app I’ve created. When I click the ‘Publish’ button (on both the old and new Glide editor), the button flickers for a second but then nothing further happens. It seems as though the process is getting ‘stuck’ on something. After this happens, the app remains unpublished and there is no app link for me to share.

Is anyone else having this issue?

I had the same problem yesterday. This happened after I started an app with Glide Tables from scratch. Is that what you did?

Since my app it was just a few functionalities to demonstrate something to a client, I redid it using GS and it worked.

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Interesting! Yes, that’s exactly what I did. I’ll have to retry it using GS instead of the Glide Tables. Perhaps there is a bug with the Glide Tables method.

Just a quick update for anyone else reading this – I did as @SantiagoPerez suggested and recreated my app using Google Sheets rather than Glide Tables, and that allowed me to publish just fine. The Glide team is currently looking into the issue.

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Sorry, there was a bug with new apps from Glide Tables. It should work now if you make a new Glide Table app, but the Glide Table app you already made is currently broken. We’ll see if we can unbreak them, but if you didn’t put much work in them you should just delete them.


Boa noite!
Tive problemas de lentidão o dia todo para atualizar as planilhas durante a criação de app. Em algum momento do final da tarde o layout do site mudou e agora ao tentar entrar para continuar o projeto aparece a mensagem:

" Há um problema

Não foi possível getAccessTokenForCurrentFirebaseUser in signIn "

Não consigo nem logar no Glide.

O que está acontecendo? Essa instabilidade é comum no Glide, ou posso confiar no sistema?

Agradeço a atenção.