Error publishing a Glide page app

I have an app that was published and working well.
Suddenly a message kept appearing:
There was an error publishing your app

I tried to unpublish it and republish it.
But now it’s unpublished, and it won’t publish anymore.
What can I do ?

Weird, do you have issues reloading your database? What type of database are you using (Glide Tables, Google Sheets, Airtable etc)?

Thank you very much for your quick answer.

No, I don’t have any problem reloading the database (not that I remember and I just tried again).

The database I use is Airtable.

As a solution, I tried to duplicate the Glide page app and I had the same problem.

However I had an inconsistent internet connection (network traffic was stopping for a minute or 2 randomly) in the last days which might have caused problem, I imagine.

I’m now on a free plan, but this app is almost ready for production and I plan to go for a paid plan (the app is suppose to register users).

How does it work when having such issue on a paid plan ?
Is it taken care of immediately, or does the app remain unpublished for days or hours before a solution is found ?

I’d like to add that I had an inconsistent internet connection during the last days while I was working on the app.
The traffic was halting for a minute or 2 before resuming, several times a day.

Could that be the cause of the problem problem ?
If yes then how to fix the app ?

I guess I may have a solution which is to rebuilt the app from scratch.
But it took me several days, so I would prefer not to.

In a way I’m lucky that the app is not in production yet.

That’s why, as a new user, I’m wondering how things work with Glide in such cases (impossible to publish an app, or app malfunctioning) ?

  • as starter user ?
  • as a pro user ?

Anyone had such experience ?

I can not say for sure if there’s any difference regarding free or paid, when it comes to publishing. Usually what I see is a problem with connecting to your database, in this case Airtable.

You might want to submit a support ticket so the support team can look further into this. Make sure you log your app/page’s support link alongside the ticket as well.

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I have the same question, I use the database is airtable.
Now, how can I do?

I need more careful consideration to upgrade

Thank you @ThinhDinh. I’ve submitted the issue to the support (I didn’t know it was possible). The support team reacted quickly and they’re investigating.

how to revise the problem with conneting to my airtable?