Free Template w/ full details of every UN country

Hey all,

I had to collect global country data for a project so thought I would share more widely so that people can use the data.

It’s a full list of 197 countries, their flags, country code & co-ordinates. That’s all 193 UN member states, plus Palestine, Taiwan, Kosovo and the Vatican. The data is from Google.

Pretty handy data in case you ever need to plot every country on a map or show every country in a choice component.

In the app, you can check off countries you’ve visited and view them on a map.

Copy away, have fun & post a link to anything cool you create in here.


Thank you.

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Thank you Jaime.


Thanks… great tool!


Thanks Jaime, that’s super helpful!

Too bad I compiled a list of my own just a week ago :frowning:

Yours is more detailed though, so I’ll definitely use it in the future.


Nice app!

Now you know the 24 countries & continents where I’ve been! :smile::+1:t2:


Nice, good list :smiley:

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Great !!

@Christophe_HK and I know as well :wink:

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I still wait your invitation to drink a beer @Krivo, I then will be able to add one more country in my shared list!

@Christophe_HK Hereby given :slight_smile: When will you be here? I have a large tent in the garden with draft beer - son finished high school yesterday.
You can just give a call when you are in the vicinity of Copenhagen

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Challenge accepted! It would be nice to meet! If you come in Nice area, do not hesitate to let me know, we have also draft beer (local!) and our “limoncello” is tasty (with ice cubes, lot of ice cubes!) !

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Yep, personal user specific data should be avoided, and all personal data should remain in a gsheet (in a pro Gsuite drive)…

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Thanks @Jaime! I’ve visited only my own, unfortunately lol


Thank you for this… i’m working on a project this will come in handy… much appreciated…

Glad I could be of assistance :+1:

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I am teaching a class on using glide to build a basic app. I shared this with some of my students. I had someone ask if anyone made a similar one for the 50 states of the USA.

Is there anyone out there who has made one for visiting states in the United States?

Thanks for this great resource!

Nice. If you get hold of the state data send it through and I’ll add it to the app

Well, not as fancy as your masterpiece (I kept it public for my kids to use) - But I copied your app and changed the facts to the USA.

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Nice, thanks @spencersRus. I’ve added the states to the USA.

And now you can set your location & see how far each country is away from you, using the location component.