Well, this is awesome! NoCode API lets you create an API from popular sources, including Google Sheets. Now, I can lookup a user’s email within my Glide table and pull name/image from a completely different spreadsheet. No importranges or helper sheets needed!
Thanks for the insight = very interesting and powerful… it
Ooo…I just learned how to turn my source sheet into an API without NoCodeAPI saving me $$$/month.
These 3 fetch columns are searching my source sheet and pulling in first/last/photo based on the signed in user’s email from the app sheet:
Ever so slowly, you’re moving across to the dark side. We’ll make a coder out of you yet
JSON/jq is my limit for now. I can wrap my brain around the structure.
How nocode turns out to be a trick to turn people into coders
Haha this is especially true for me.
Hey @Robert_Petitto, any chance you could put together a tutorial video on using NoCodeAPI?
And good thing I would add because otherwise, you would be an alien!
Thanks for sharing this! Can you maybe share how the columns are fetching the data? I figured how to add an API thanks to your screenshot- but just can’t figure how to fetch the data. And what exactly should I expect as output?
Check this out:
@Robert_Petitto great and nice work
So does this help us in row count by anyway? Frankly fetch data in google sheet and only load data as an example if the user clicked or viewed a behavior?
That’s right! I’m using it successfully in one of my apps where I fetch student data “just in time” when completing a form. Now, I don’t need to host the student info in the app.
Hola Robert!
Are you using NoCodeAPI or you turned your GS into API to fetch your data students?
How big is your GS (rows) to make a comparison with mine regarding performance/speed?
I turned my GS into an API using script (cuz it was free). My sheet is 600 rows and takes 3-8 seconds to fetch 4 columns of data.
Thanks for your reply @Robert_Petitto
I have the same scenario: a GS working as API (web app). My testing sheet has almost 30k rows with 7 columns and takes 4-7 secs to give me results.
As soon as I fix some details with APP’s UX, I will show it to evaluate it better. So far, I can live with no problems with these 4-7 secs.
Is there a way to refetch updates rather than fetch once?
Somtimes we need to refresh the such as getting a certain update after some time or after clicking a button
I have an idea that I’m not sure it works with your case. Months ago I have a stock chart that needs to be refreshed a few mins at once, my idea was to make the URL changes by the time by adding a time parameter to it. It goes like.
htttps://charturl.com/example?param1=x¶m2=y&t=[current time]
That current time part, I pass it with a time format of YYYYMMDDhhmmss so when Glide updates the current time, my chart refreshes.
I think you can try the same approach with the URL that you use for fetching, but beware about the number of API calls.
Hey Rob,
i have a data on google sheets (100k rows) i want to be able to pull the info into glide when users searches a ID . My app is only glide table based so i need to connect GS to glide
You could export the google sheet as a json using google app scripts (set it on a timer to match the frequency needed) then in glide sheets you can fetch the json file and run your jQ Query from there. Make sure the export overwrites the old JSON. Here’s a google app script that should help you with exporting the JSON. After you add the script you will need to reload the editor and when you do you will see a new menu that shows up called “Export JSON” with 2 options. You can then export it with either option. Depending on the size of the file it could take anywhere from a couple seconds to a minute to export.