I’m losing my mind over here. Does anyone know of a tutorial video on how to make favorites work?
To clarify, I have the user log in turned on, and I want each user to be able to see their own personal favorites when they are logged in.
I added the heart feature into the section where I want it, but when a user is logged in, where does that info go after they click it?
Favourite heart
Make sure the column storing the heart is a user specific column. Only user will see heart unless someone else signs in as the user user. The value is not stored in the sheet.
It column storing value is a non-user specific column, next person who clicks on heart can change it from like to dislike, for example. If a glide table column then visible in glide table; if sheet, then sheet.
If you apply rowID, doesn’t matter whether column user specific or not.
You will find more on how to with favourites in list style.
To clarify, I have the user log in turned on, and I want each user to be able to see their own personal favorites when they are logged in.
Add a text or number component to display their like/dislike. It’s stored as value of 1 or -1. You can translate the values to text by adding an if-then-else column. If 1 then like, else dislike.
But you wouldn’t need to do that as the heart will be either red or dead.
This isn’t true. User specific columns require a row id. Maybe not necessarily with glide tables, since they have a built in row I’d regardless if it’s visible or not. Either way…for favorites to work properly, the receiving column needs to be user specific.
@meganb if you want to see favorites on the user profile screen, then you can add an inline list that’s filtered where the isFavorite column is true.
If row has rowID why do you need a user specific column to make a like register since no one else can acces that row except the user?
Or because user is liking someone else’s rowID post?
hmm, are you confusing RowID’s with Row Owners maybe?
@Jeff_Hager is right. Don’t know why I was liking my own posts. I’m am liking someone else’s posts and therefore It requires a user specific column.
Jeff is always right. Well, I heard a rumour that he was wrong once, but I don’t buy it.
couldn’t agree more.
To answer your query, yes I did.
I’m putting in some screenshots to clarify my use case. You see I have a list of the four separate timeslots for our sessions, then they click on that and see their options, then they click on the different options to learn more details about that specific session, and that’s where I put the heart. But where does that data about the use clicking the heart live in my spreadsheets? I don’t see or understand how me adding the heart component adds data to my spreadsheet or how I’m supposed to connect the heart component to my spreadsheets.
In the underlying table for Breakouts, you should see an “Is Favorited” column. This is where the data will be stored. Note that you will not see this column in your Google Spreadsheet - it only exists in Glide.
Also note that because favorites is user specific, your users must be signed in (or they will be prompted to sign in) and you must have User Profiles configured in order to use it.
All it does is mark a column in the row to indicate it’s a favorite. It doesn’t “put” it anywhere. It would be like adding a note column and writing in that column “I Like This” so you know that, when you see the note for that row, you like that row.
I think the problem you are having is that you want the user to see those favorites. You had mentioned making them visible in the user profile. You can do that by adding inline lists in your user profile screen and filtering the list where the favorite column is true. On the other hand, if you are trying to see the All/Favorites choice at the top of the screen on the individual tabs, then those tabs need to use one of the list style views instead of the details view. You can get that choice on a details style view, but you need to create it yourself. Before we get into how that is done (not as easy), it would help to understand how and where you want to view those favorites.
I don’t see it anywhere on my breakout sheet though. It doesn’t seem like the heart component is linked back to my sheet anywhere. First shot is me viewing the screen as myself, and then viewing the datasheets. What column is supposed to be checked off?
Don’t see what exactly? Do you mean the column? There should be a column named isFavorite.
Do I need to create that column though? You’re right. This is where I’m stumbling. In the official Glide help section, it was talking about a column being automatically added when you activate the heart component on a list, but I don’t see where this column was supposedly automatically added for me.
It’s supposed to be automatically created. I have seen issues if people delete the column inadvertently.
Do me a favor and add a text column to your breakouts detail screen. You can select a column from from the table. Does it show the isFavorite column in the drop-down as an option for the source of the text component? You may also want to try with the switch or checkbox components as well