Ii was going to wrap my app, then i saw this new function, i thought it is charts for the first look, once i start experiment with it, i found it opening a new era for my app.
I just tried to explore data grid component. On the image 01, I hope data grid component provides an action button of each row. I tried to use a table component for a table of trial balance with an action show details.
On image 02, I use data grid component for displaying the details of accounts ledger. But, I have no idea how to create the running balances. I hope a math column is an alternative solution on the column of data grid component.
@Robert_Petitto, if Glide takes this Data Grid component and allows us to add any header for each column (without that little data type icon), wouldn’t that give us exactly what we were talking about in my 5/20/2022 feature request that you replied to?
@Robert_Petitto, I can’t get the Data Grid filtering to work on number fields. If I filter on a text field it works fine. But if I try to filter on any number field (FIELD > 0) it returns nothing. Do you have any experience with this?
UPDATE: It is working for Field is empty or Field is not empty. The field in question is formatted as currency–could that be the problem?
Can we have a detail view button?
(I don’t wanna clutter the app with irrelevant information - yet that information is necessary in terms of it being accessible)
And Grouping, same as with Tables.
Group the Data Grid by a specific column