Data filled in glide fields does not update the sheets table

For the last 2 days I have noticed that in several parts of my app, information entered by users in fields such as text entry, checks… is not being recorded / saved. If you refresh the page, you lose the data filled in. I have been using sheets as a database

I am getting similiar issue with Excel not getting updates from gilde fields. I am also using text entry. Is there some logs I can check?

If you have the user-specific or row ownership feature enabled in the columns and tables where the data is supposed to be, you could disable user-specific columns and row ownership to see if that solved the issue.

If the issue stemmed from there, you can then re-enable user-specific columns and row ownership if and where needed.

What type of backend do you use for the app?

Unfortunately I don’t have any logs I can share.

I don’t use user-specific or row ownership in my application
In short, every submission (forms) is working, but every edit field or action that edits a line does not work, as it does not register in the database (google sheets) causing the data entered in the glide to be lost

I’m currently using a Google Sheets spreadsheet, which has several tabs, with different formulas

You are using “Show Edit Screen” or “Set Column Value” actions?

Maybe you could share screenshots or a Loom video.

Can you share more about the actions you tie with the updates like @nathanaelb suggested?

Do you run any scripts on the Sheets side?