I want to match the description of my car with a row in another table that contains the same value in an array.
But I don’t seem to be able to do this.
Here’s a brief video:
Many thanks for your support!
I want to match the description of my car with a row in another table that contains the same value in an array.
But I don’t seem to be able to do this.
Here’s a brief video:
Many thanks for your support!
One thing I noticed in your video: You identified a value in the Vehicle Compatibility Table that you expect to match the relation. But I noticed that that value is in New Column A in the Compatibility table. But in your relation, you are attempting to relate it to New Column B in that Compatibility Table.
Hi Bla_68,
New Column A & B contain the same values, they are just different types.
One is a split text and the other a make array.
I tried with different types of columns but this doesn’t seem to work.
In order to make it more clear. I created a template project for this issue.
I just want to find a way to create a relation between the vehicle and the vehicle compatibility table.
This doesn’t seem to work.
Also if someone would have a better suggestion for the excel formula used to create the array that would be welcome as well
Here’s a brief video again: Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software | Loom
Hi @Tim_Gestels
It works for me …
If I create a relation between both tables using Car Brand and Car Brand[ ] as the key columns, I get this:
Maybe, the problem comes from you Excel column where you generate the Car List. Unfortunately, I can’t copy your template to reproduce and use your work (a Glide bug?).
thanks Gustavo, I’ll try to recreate what you built first and then go from there …
Perhaps indeed it’s the Excel but I started wondering if it would be possible at all
Copying templates to someone elses environment indeed doesn’t work. But they’re looking into that.
Maybe just check for any extra spaces that might be hiding somewhere. It won’t be obvious, but would be enough to break a relation.
@Jeff_Hager I think I found one but it’s really weird. It seems Glide is creating spaces when a cell is kept empty … ?
You can check this out in the following 2min video
Thanks for your support!
Can you show/write here your Excel formula to test?
Are you sure that car brand values (Card brand column) don’t have extra spaces somewhere?
I would just use a Template column instead of using an excel formula column. It’s a lot simpler and probably won’t give you the issues that you are running into.
Yeah but it needed to create a special .csv sequence. I don’t think the Template column would allow me to do that.
But I got a solution from @Dilon_Perera using the Javascript column.
Kudos Dilon!
const startYear = p1;
const endYear = p2 ? p2 : new Date().getFullYear(); // if p2 is empty, set it to the current year
const text = p3;
const texts = Array.from({length: endYear - startYear + 1}, (_, i) => `${text} ${startYear + i}`).join(", ");
return texts;
I probably won’t use the Excel column anymore
Thanks everyone