Can't connect to Google sheets anymore

Team ID: Glide

I have run into significant issues trying to reconnect old apps to authenticate with google sheets, and now I cannot connect new apps to google sheets.

If I create new app > connect to google sheets, it gives me the authentication prompt for google (same google account I’m logged in to glide with), asks me permissions, then the google window closes and nothing happens. No new app created.

I’ve followed all of the steps in other threads, including clearing all cache, cookies, logging out, disconnecting the glide connection to google and reauthenticating, etc.

Not only can I not create a new app based on a google sheet, but I cannot open an existing glide tables app and connect that to a google sheet. Same issue — authentication window disappears and nothing happens. There is never a screen to select the spreadsheet or anything further.

Seems doubtful, but is there any chance it’s related to my plan saying “Legacy Starter”?

I’m very concerned as I was extremely excited for Glide’s potential and now I’m feeling like this is a dealbreaker and going to be forced to move to another solution soon. Please help.

Possibly. I’m seeing issues raised by users with legacy plans.

See the new pinned thread here:

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