@ThinhDinh I would like to hear @mark comments on that.
I don’t think that glide will change existing components from free to pro without telling the app developers
Maybe its just me…Webview for me is not working in the builder… .
Tonight I was realizing that it was working in brand new app only to see this behavior,
now its not again…it simply shows up only url make like this http://www.______.com/net etc
not the subfolder as far I can see , I’ve tried to put a bit.ly there , in the past was working, now its not,
as I said maybe its just me…but this ruins my chance to add my site right inside the Glideapp as it is now.
I did not put there the / after the last word , I think I need to put my glasses on next time ,
So far so good seems its working.
Glide is making a very very good work but, as for the IN APP PURCHASES missing and thanks to the ones who are giving us their solution I think there is a lot to be improved , I hope they are reading posts, being on developing Glide like hell , could be really useful read our experiences after all.
I hope too and I’m off topic now, to see a better AUDIO PLAYER , where we can customize its appearance.
By the way, till now , hope to have webview back bacause could make our app gain features that Glide is now missing.
My bad i’m actually using https , what i found is that you need or it’s my case only ,to insert the complete url ,
ex : https:// www.blabla./bla/
not : https://www.blabla./bla