#21 soda's control app

Hi guys.
I’m using this category to show my progress from my new app.
I hope you guys like it. :wink:

Soda’s Control

1 Like

How it works :

  • On the Main Screen you have 2 inline lists:
  1. Inline Filter
  2. Inline List of products.

you should make no sign-in version, nobody will try it when they need to sign in

Sorry for that.
Is public now

nothing works… i click all, and no effect… plus is in Spanish…

#1 Inlist Filter:
Here where it gets complicated but not so much. I got help from @Darren_Murphy since its a bit elaborate to make it.

  1. Set a ROWID at USERS glidetable

  2. Add a new glidetable:
    with 2 columns:

  1. There are 2 sets of glidetable:
    1. BUTTONS

your app is not working… are you trying to showcase your app or ask how to fix it?

Hi @Uzo is not in Spanish, is in Portuguese since is the language i am using on the app itself.
at the top of the app you see two options button-shaped.

  • Options:

    1. SIGNALS (±): to control add ou remove quantity.
      Just click on images bellow, there will be a switch above tHe list of images: OFF: you remove (INCREMENT -1), ON: You add (INCREMENT +1)
    1. NUMBERS:
      You go to a different screen, there you input the right quantity.

nothing works, you need help to fix it?

Exatly, nothing works… but it was working when viewing… strange
I will try to fix it

is probably because no sign-in… you need to adjust your app to anonymous users when user email is empty

How do i do this?
Never done it before

the best practice is always to leave the first row (email column) in the user’s sheet empty, this way app will handle no sign-in users… and do as much as you can in user-specific columns, so when you have multiple no sign in users, they will not overwrite each other.

I think t is ok now…

you think… or you checked? :wink: because is not working…
have a separate browser that is not connected with your sign-in email to test apps, this way you will know how others see it… also very helpful would be a different OS…
I always test on Mac Safari and Windows Chrome.

now is working!

I made a more intuitive sample for you @Augusto

thanks. I wll have a look at it