Where is the date time special value component?

Hi Guys,

Where is the date time special value component?
I have never seen this option. Is it limited to certain plans or can I access it as maker?

It’s available whenever you are in an Add or Edit form.

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ohhh ok. I’ve never used that… I always add directly into my glide table.
I will look for it. Thanks @Jeff_Hager

@Jeff_Hager if I “enable” users to edit forms etc but my app is public with no sign-in, can anyone else actually edit the forms?

Yes anyone can edit data as long as you don’t have any conditions on the ability to edit data.

ok so everyone accessing the app still counts as users even if they don’t tally on my dashboard?

If users are not signed in they they are simply visitors and not counted against any user quota. Users who do sign in are counted against your user quota. This has nothing to do with users or vistors being able to edit data or not.


ok. I thought since the instruction was to enable “users” to edit and as you said “anyone” can edit… I took that to mean that anyone is considered a user.
It’s a bit confusing for me still.

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