how to access to special value - Current Date/Time component ? it’s missing in my component panel . do i have to anything to see it ?
Can you elaborate ? What are you trying to do ?
Could you share screenshots please?
It will be there if, let’s say, you’re in a form. When you do a left-hand-side search, you’ll see it.
The value will be also be accessible in columns and actions. Let us know if you can’t find it.
i create a form screen and press “+” icon in component panel .
but “SPECIAL VALUE” is still missing . i am on a free plan . Did i did anything wrong ?
well i am creating planner and tracker for parents . i want a section where “TODAY’s DATE” will always showing whenever they open app .
You are not inside a native form. The special values are not available because you are not on a screen that has a use for them. You cannot automatically fill a column with a date on a detail screen or new screen.
It looks like you created your own custom form with your own submit button on top of a detail screen linked to an existing row. You are not using any native form functionality. You need to add the special values as part of the Submit button action.
how to create a native form than ?