Query regarding : https://www.glideapps.com/docs/reference/values/current-date-time

how to access to special value - Current Date/Time component ? it’s missing in my component panel . do i have to anything to see it ?

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Can you elaborate ? What are you trying to do ?

Could you share screenshots please?

It will be there if, let’s say, you’re in a form. When you do a left-hand-side search, you’ll see it.

The value will be also be accessible in columns and actions. Let us know if you can’t find it.

i create a form screen and press “+” icon in component panel .
but “SPECIAL VALUE” is still missing . i am on a free plan . Did i did anything wrong ?

well i am creating planner and tracker for parents . i want a section where “TODAY’s DATE” will always showing whenever they open app .

You are not inside a native form. The special values are not available because you are not on a screen that has a use for them. You cannot automatically fill a column with a date on a detail screen or new screen.

It looks like you created your own custom form with your own submit button on top of a detail screen linked to an existing row. You are not using any native form functionality. You need to add the special values as part of the Submit button action.

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how to create a native form than ?

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