What do you think? There must be a better way, right?

This is my idea, how would you do it? I’m sure there must be a better way.
This is the thing.
Of a community of 1000 members, 100 are paying members
This week a band tour of 20 gigs will be announced.
Everyday there are 3 free spots on the guest list for the paying members.
What’s the best way to to this? This is my way.

  1. Check if a member is a paying member
  2. If the member is a paying member show 3 buttons for a free ticket each
  3. If a member pushes a button, fill the column with the corresponding mailadress
  4. If one ticket has been reserved, so if the column is not empty anymore, hide that button, when 3 tickets have been reserved, hide all buttons.
  5. If all tickets have been reserved show hint component that there is no ticket left.
    How would you do it?

I imagine there must be a race to claim those tickets so you don’t want the person who comes second to overwrite the first.

I would let them have only one button, create new rows in a new sheet and timestamp each of them, use a rollup to count the total submissions for each event, before you announce who are the first 3 show a hint text to them telling “We are checking the submissions” or something along those lines.

Then show an inline list, sorted by earliest submission firsts, show only 3 items and use CSS to hide the “see-all” button (or keep it if you want people to know how close they were).


Thanks! I’ll look into this!

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@ThinhDinh is right that you need to do this through GS (but you could add rows in GT). Adding rows will always give you uniqueness - and fairness as it will have them in order that the back-end system received the request.


Thanks Mark!


One extra thing.
What is going well:

  • Adding rows with the gig info when people click on the button.
  • Counting the amount of people bij relation> lookup > rollup
  • Only view the button when the count is 2 or less.

There is one thing I don’t succeed in. I only want the button to be visible when the user hasn’t clicked on the button / didnt claim the spot on the guestlist.

But how do I do that? I have a relation between user <> gig and gig <> user and lookup the mail adresses. But in the button visibility I can’t say ‘only view this button when the relation column doesn’t contain the users mail adress’.

Do you have a suggestion?

After clicking the button for a gig, I want that button not to be visible anymore.

I think you can add a “claimed” user-specific boolean column for each event, add a set column in your combo action and set the claimed boolean to true. Hide the button when claimed is true.

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To add to this there are two ways to approach:

  • Create a template column joining the signed-in user’s email and the event ID. In the “Claims” sheet you do the same template format, make a relation from the Events sheet to the Claims sheet. If the relation is not empty it means the signed-in user has claimed.

  • Create a relation from the Events sheet to the Claims sheet using the event ID, return a joined list column of emails that have registered. Hide button when signed-in user’s email is included in that list.

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Thanks a lot, I’ve got it up and running!


OK so I have a sheet with gigs.
With the button ‘put me on the guestlist’ I add a row in the sheet ‘guestlist’
But say people change their mind they should be able to delete that same row.
When I add a button on the page of the gig I can choose ‘delete row’ but I think that deletes the whole gig?
Is there a way to delete a row on another sheet? Or a way to get this done?
Sorry to keep on asking, if I take up too much of your time, please ignore!

You can add a column to your row (something like toggle/ is cancelled?). Then you just set columns in an action and filter items based on the column.

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Thanks, doable!

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You can create a relation with the user email - gig ID the same way I discussed above, then delete the row from that relation.

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Thanks a lot!

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Everything works smooth now!