Users quota reached whereas my App is set to public


With the Business subscription, we are limited to 100 Private Users.
But that’s precisely why we have set up the app to use our quota of 10000 Public Users:
Access = Public / Sign-in = Optional sign-in (with hidden tabs and blocks until the user signs in) / Users = anyone from domain (the domain name).

I just checked in the documentation that considers as public apps the Apps that are :
"Publicly accessible, but only users with an email matching your domain can sign-in ".

Now I’m confused. How does the quota work? It’s the 3rd of the month, the subscription renews on the 22nd and we are already at 100 Private Users according to the dashboard… except that we expect 500 active users on average per month…

Is it possible that there is a problem with the way the users are counted in our account, after we upgraded our subscription?

Thank you!

Users are considered private if you either, implement Roles, or make them part of a whitelist (I assume that includes domain whitelisting too).

A user is considered public if you do not utilize Roles and you allow anybody to sign into your app.

A couple initial thoughts:

  • You could contact Glide support and see if they can offer you a deal to allow more private users.
  • Allow anybody to sign in, but maybe restrict some content based on the domain in the user’s email address. This method won’t be as secure as anybody could sign but they could also snoop the underlying data once they are signed in.

Just to confirm what @Jeff_Hager said, if you restrict who can sign into your app, then all signed in users of your App will be considered Private Users.

(You could still have public users that don’t sign in)


Thank you @Jeff_Hager. If I understand you right, I can see a first possible turnaround which would consist in:

  1. Setting the App to public with visibility rules before/after people sign in (as it is the case today before the users fill in their profile, most of the content is masked)
  2. In the database, Users table, parse the email adress and isolate the domain noun, so as to compute a boolean rule “member = YES/NO”.
  3. Condition the visibility of the content to a state “YES” of the user record in the Users table.
  4. Then automate an alert to the Admin and suppress profiles with a “NO” state ?

What do you think?

Hi @Darren_Murphy

In a previous post you wrote:

Being required to sign in does not make one a private user. Public apps can also require sign in. Two things make app users private:

  • Either you restrict access to users in the User Profiles Table, in which case all users are private, or
  • You allow anyone to sign in, but apply roles to some users. In this case only those users with roles assigned are counted as private users.

I still don’t understand why the setting “Anyone from domain” transform users to private users, given what the documentation says:


So do you think my turnaround (above) would work within the current quota of 10000 Public Users?

glide has a bug there, and they do not fix it for months… the same thing with my app… I reported it to the support team over a month ago… no change. Try to report it, maybe if more user do that they will try harder lol

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You know, I’ve just been thinking about this a bit more, and I think you might be right.

If you set:

  • Access → Public
  • Sign In → Optional
  • Users → Anyone from Domain

Then the way (I believe) it should work is:

  • Anyone that signs into your App is considered a Private User
  • Anyone that accesses your app, but doesn’t sign in is considered a Public User

And it would follow from the above that every user in your User Profiles table would be counted as a Private User (assuming that they sign in during any given month).

Question: Assuming that your privacy settings are as per above, what do you see when you look in your User Profiles table?

My expectation would be that every user in your Users Profile table would have an email address matching your domain. If that’s not the case, then I’d say something is wrong.


Thank you @Uzo I will!

Yes, that is exactly how I was picturing the steps.

Because you are restricting who can sign in. A project may be public, as in anybody can open and view the app, but if you restrict WHO can actually sign into the app, then those signed in users become private users. If you do not have any restrictions on who can sign in, then those users remain public users.

I just want to clarify this a little bit. There are 3 types of users.

  • Anyone that accesses your app, but doesn’t sign in is considered a Visitor. There’s no limit to the number of visitors to an app.
  • If anyone in the world can sign in to the app unrestricted (and Roles are not utilized), then they are considered Public users. The limit is based on the number of allowed public users in your plan.
  • If there is any sort of whitelist restricting who can sign in (including domain restrictions), or if Roles are utilized, then any of those signed in users are considered Private users. The limit is based on the number of allowed private users in your plan.

Basically, if I can sign into your app without you knowing my email or domain beforehand, then I will most likely be a Public user. If I have to share my email with you, so you can whitelist my entire email or domain, then I’m now a Private user because I have to be pre-approved to sign into your app. This is regardless if an app is open to Visitors with optional sign in, or if it requires sign in to view the app.


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