User does not get EMail with code

We tried different emails, different systems (pc, smartphone), a user of mine is not able to login anymore.

anyone else experiencing this?

it is a pro app with email login.

thx Jan

Mine all working fine at the moment. Obviously you checked spam / black-listing etc?

One of my users in Sudan has trouble also.
Here in US the app is working fine.

Yes, we checked spam, different mails, different clients … looking at the number of bug reports the whole software seems to be quite unstable at the moment …

That’s strange. Have you tried contacting support directly? There are a few funnies with the new actions I think, however everything else seems pretty stable to me and I have some complex apps with plenty of user interactions. Certainly no issues with PIN emails or authentication in general.

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Every single time we see this issue, it’s a problem with the receiver’s email service or email inbox.

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It seems to be the case that is bocking Glide emails because of spam.

This is a deliverability issue - I know this from my own app projects that some services have very strong/special spam rules.

Could be the IP, could be the header or the content of the email.

I will recommend my users not to use anymore … but there are several email hosts that could react the same way.
