No Login for Users

Hi guys,

I keep having the problem that users often can’t log in to the app. I am on the agency plan.

The user can enter their email address as normal and no pin is sent (spam is checked).
This is a totally bad user experience if you can’t even log in to an app that you need to work on projects with clients.
I’ve had this happen a few times with various apps.
What is that?

Best regards

Here are my privacy settings:

Does it happen with only specific email domains or it’s the same problem for everyone?

Hi thinhdinh,

Thank you for asking

you can’t generalize. Sometimes it works straight away, sometimes it doesn’t work at all. in this case it doesn’t work again.
The last user needed 3 days to get into my app.
That’s really an imposition.
You’re already in a bad mood before anything has happened.
I also activated the Twilio SMS function because I thought that an alternative could be created here. But this function doesn’t work either. The function is activated - all the Twilio data has been entered and the column for the cell phone number is correctly defined.
There doesn’t seem to be a workaround either.
For example, I can no longer send a manual invitation link because the customer has already been invited.

One more addendum to my observations:

I suspect that the Glide e-mail address - used to send the pincode - is getting stuck in the spam filter of the e-mail programs, not at the client level but at the server level.
This would also explain why emails do and do not arrive sporadically. I recently had the same case with an e-mail sent from Glide (with e-mail function), it was exactly the same. I spoke to my provider and they told me that the email had been rejected by the system. I suspect that there is exactly the same problem with the Glide emails that send the pins.

That was the answer from my e-mail provider:
“thank you for your inquiry.

We have checked our logs and found that mails from our mail server have been declared as spam.

The reason for this is the following link:

This domain may be on a blacklist. If this link is unwanted, please remove it so that your mail can be sent again.

If the link is wanted, please let us know. We will then request a whitelisting.”

I would also substantiate this suspicion by observing that when I activate the SMS function via Twilio (I haven’t managed to configure the SMS yet, but I can see it in the logs in Twilio), a PIN is sent. This means that the problem is probably due to Glide sending the PIN by e-mail.

This thread has been escalated. Support will follow up via the Messenger in the Builder or through email.

Best practices when escalating issues to support

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We are not receiving pin emails either. Suddenly happened after two years of it working without issue. Not in spam/junk, nothing comes through at all. It’s been about a week since it last worked.

Try it with Gmail-integration or use Twilio-SMS-integration, otherwise it is not sure, otherwise you cannot ensure it 100%

It’s an education app so we have to use department email for security. Just got off the phone with them and they said they are quarantining the emails. Have opened a support ticket so it will hopefully be resolved soon

I received reports from my company that some users cannot login despite successfully logging in before. It was fine for me 2 hours ago. Now I can’t receive a PIN anymore either…

Bit frustrating since they are raising corporate tickets to see if the emails are being blocked for some people. Now having read this thread I believe there is a glitch on the Glide side.

I will add that my App privacy is based on entering an email with our company domain name.

I would like to say how disappointed I am with this email from Glide. It’s as if they haven’t read my bug report and have zero appreciation that a large corporate company cannot and will not simply switch domain name to accommodate Glide. There is a remote chance that our servers are blocking the PIN emails but I doubt it because mine stopped working some hours ago and I have never had an issue in years. Some people can still access, some can’t.

[update: another company App is successfully sending PIN emails and we are receiving them. Must be something broken with this one App (most used). Clearly nothing wrong with our company email system. Kyle from Glide is following up]

Hmmm, I just thought It was our clients e-mail Glitch but…we have a rep who on-boards clients with new App integrations and he has been reporting longer and longer wait times for pins. Last week we had a new client and had to change all the users over to their private Gmail addresses to get pins and we blamed their internal e-mail system but now I’m not so sure it wasn’t our end :astonished:

agree. I have now tried with a couple of Apps… some work, our key one does not.

Our corporate IT Outlook team found the issue and are trying to fix. Apparently, Microsoft was flagging the embedded URL as a potential fishing email. This is the URL to my GLIDE app. The next step is for our IT to check the URL again with Microsoft…… We live in hope that this may be resolved. At least it explains why some PIN Emails were getting And others not.

[UPDATE] Our corporate IT required a number of steps. First they confirmed that MS Outlook was wrongly tagging the inbound email as a Phishing risk. This was caused by my Apps URL. They put the app’s URL through the MS website risk checker and it came back safe. Cybersecurity then approved the sender email address. This solved the issue for most corporate users. However, some reported the issue of not receiving the email persisted. Back to Corporate IT. They were then able to confirm the emails were also tagged as suspicious Spam activity. Once this was fixed, all issues were resolved and users could receive the login pin emails. Finally, I underline this was for a Pro Glide application that had a login security restriction limited to users with our corporate email domain name, e.g. ( The issue was not Glide failing to send email PINs.

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Did you try the alternatives?


Hi, Same problems with some users not using VPN and BigBrothers blocked in China and SouthA. Why not add this pin connector item at USERTABLE, to send manually. Please