Updates to Glide’s new plans and pricing

I’m just speculating here, but it’s my assumption that Airtable is much more costly to Glide to integrate and maintain compared to Glide Tables or Google Sheets. Whether that’s Airtable fees, developer time, or both…I don’t know. As far as I know, these integrations cost Glide money, and Glide has to pay USD prices to integrate with third party services. Maybe Glide wasn’t making much profit on lower prices plans that used Airtable. :man_shrugging:

I think you are probably right Jeff. I have also found that because Airtable and the data editor in Glide have some differences that might not be intuitive to people coming from Airtable, it would also create a lot of support tickets.

I think instead of using Airtable as a source, a better option would have been using Glide Tables and then using a tool like Whalesync/Make.com to set up your own data sync between Glide and Airtable.

This requires some improvements to the API but I think the hassle would be worth it as performance would be better and you could even scale into using Big Tables over time.


Exactly. The new plans exclude businesses who want to use Glide as a customer portal.

I have around 300 clients (both private and work emails) that come in to check their order status and maybe download a file. Legacy Pro covers all the bases for $99/mo (reasonable). The cheapest a new plan for my current use is $300+ maker and $1,300+ for Teams. That’s just not realistic. And even then, they don’t cover all the things Legacy Pro has. Maker doesn’t allow my customers with work e-mails to use it, and has no AirTable integration.

Team charges me $4 for pretty much every person that logs in. And what happens if a user logs in with the wrong e-mail and tries a different email? Would it be $4 per each login?

I have my important data in AirTable. My issue with transferring to Glide tables is that I am at the mercy of Glide not hiking the rates or restricting use in the future. If the new plans are 1,000% what I pay now, there’s nothing stoping them from making updates $0.10 a piece and screwing me.

As much as I like Glide, I’m very disappointed with the narrow scope of the new plans. If I’m going to invest time and money on this app I need reassurance that I’m not getting screwed three months in the future. Not everyone here is a developer. I am a business owner that just needs a simple portal for my clients. I can’t just drop everything in my life to migrate every little relation and functionality to another platform when Glide inevitably retires Legacy. And I certainly will not pay $1,300 a month for people to check if their order was shipped, that’s just absurd.

I wish Glide would communicate their intentions better so that us non-developers can make decisions on how to move forward. I have everything on hold because of this.


I totally agree. I hope that decision makers/responsible persons in Glide understand what a great community of non-developers/entrepreneurs they have here. How I charge my clients is my own business decision. Assumption “entrepreneurs will convince their clients to pay 125 USD (or more) directly to Glide” is wrong. No one is capable to know everything about every market in every country.
We all really love Glide, but we this new plans, Glide is shooting themselves in the foot.
@NoCodeAndy is there a possibility for a new topic “Suggestions for non-dev entrepreneurs/small business/(call us whatever you want)” plans? Thank you


We’re actually seeing a spike in new customers using Glide for portals. :slight_smile:

When you’re looking at hundreds of users, your best bet is to get in touch with our sales team.


Are you thinking something tied to how plans are set up, or features as well?

Jet Admin looks nice.


Both. With new plans I think it is not balanced what you pay / what you get.
-for all plans - users: all email addresses are users (private email, company email doesn’t matter)
-Team plan and Business plan: max 50 users per one plan (clearly communicate that on Glide’s web page, now it is not clear)
-Legacy plan - for how long can we keep our Legacy plans?
-switching from Legacy plans to new plans - some discount? we are “old” Glide customers, it would be nice to be respected more then new clients

thank you

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The decent thing to do is to grandfather those in the legacy plans while the accounts remain active. We built our apps around the characteristics of legacy plans; and none of the new plans match the features or prices of legacy. Now we are forced to spend our time to modify our app to cater to something that we didn’t plan or ask for.

This feels like bait and switch once you got us dependent on you. Or perhaps my frustration stems after spending countless hours, months, learning Glide and getting the app to run effectively. I designed features around what my plan included only to realize that now the 60GB I thought I had will be 5GB, the 10,000 updates are 500, and I can’t use AirTable anymore.

I recognize that this is a very profitable move for Glide, congratulations. But we decided to depend on you and now we’re getting royally screwed here so please understand the frustration that is being echoed by those are are being impacted by your change.


“In development: New Make and Zapier integrations
These will let you write to Glide Tables without using Glide API.”

is there any update on this?

I don’t know of any successful company that exempts customers from price changes forever. Leaving you on old pricing for a year (some customers still have pricing from three years ago) is extremely generous already. If you feel like you are getting “royally screwed” then I don’t have anything else to offer you–we are being extraordinarily accommodating here, and Glide is still incredibly cheap for what you get.


Do you already state anywhere what the plans are with grandfathering in old plans? i.e. will it be a year? I did try looking around but couldn’t see it anywhere?

I wasn’t expecting the same price but I was expecting the same or similar features. A reasonable price increase was understandable but I am not spending my time catering to your changes in features. I feel like I am getting “royally screwed” because I am getting a 1,000% increase in cost for 20% of the features that I have now.

If you had told me keep the Legacy Pro but pay $200 (instead of $99) that would’ve been perfectly fine, still higher than competitors but reasonable. But I can’t justify a paying $1,300+ a month for something your competitors do for <$150. And your new plans are too restrictive; I can’t just wave a magic wand a make my app not run on AirTable, or change all my relations. That’s time that I need to now spend to change the whole app to run on one of the two plan options I have.

The fact that we don’t even have a timeline makes this whole situation even more bizarre .


Isn’t this already the case? Nobody is forcing you to give up your legacy plan. On the contrary. If it works for you, keep it. Glide has been honoring legacy plans for as long as a can remember.

Yeah, from my understanding and previous posts, I was under the impression that Glide has a track record for honouring legacy plans, and I have personally been operating under that assumption - my follow up question was only in response to David saying:

I don’t know of any successful company that exempts customers from price changes forever . Leaving you on old pricing for a year (some customers still have pricing from three years ago) is extremely generous already.

Now, I am not sure if there are plans to continue grandfathering old plans, if not for how long we will have our old plans, etc.

I was under the impression that they would retire the legacy plans in the near future and force everyone into the new plans after providing a 3 month notice. That is my whole debacle because I don’t want to continue building my app knowing that it all will be for nothing if the app won’t be compatible with the new plans.

What gave you that impression?

The announcement:

Quote from the original post about Pricing change.


There’s nothing on our roadmap about shutting down Legacy plans.

As others have said, we’ve got a track record of honouring legacy pricing for early customers. It adds a lot of complexity behind the scenes, but we think it’s important.

As long as the subscription remains active, you’re good. If and when that changes, we’ll give everyone plenty of advanced notice.


Andy a mí si me quitaron mi plan heredado pro que tengo desde 2021. Y el saldo me lo cobraron de mi tarjeta, hoy mandé el segundo ticket y aún mi app no tiene su plan heredado.
Este es el segundo plan heredado que me quitan, en febrero de 2023 hice un reclamo porque me hackearon la cuenta y alguien me cambió del plan heredado a plan pro (ahora plan pro heredado) y no me reestablecieron.