Updates to Glide’s new plans and pricing

1 - Go on this page : Flexible Pricing Plans That Scale With Your Business | Glide => Pricing Calculator => Maker Plan. Click on “i” next to updates. That’s why I asked.

Yes, I know what updates are but I’m still not clear what your previous question is asking. Changes made to native tables don’t count as updates unless they are made via the API. So you can make a million changes a day if you want, and as long as those changes are not made via the API, they won’t count as updates.

1 - Said like this it is clear to me. Thanks.

2 - Regarding user limits we can argue that the user limit is 25k users since a user table can only be a basic glide table, right ?

ah, the penny just dropped for me. You were referring to the definition of updates on the Glide Pricing page. And yes, you’re right. The tooltip on the Pricing Calculator is not completely clear, and is inconsistent with similar tooltips elsewhere on the page. I’ll bring this to the attention of the appropriate folks at Glide. Thanks :+1:

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Effectively, yes.

Just to close the loop on this, that tooltip has been updated.


Written “Glide API alse use updates”. Is it true for Basic API or call API or both ?

Moreover, I have 2 questions regarding rows and users limitations of glide :
1/ written on the documentation of glide that it is possible to have 1 000 000 users. But User table is always a glide basic table which is capped at 25K rows right ?
2/ written on the documentation that Glide Big tables contain millions of rows. But the business plan allow only 100 K rows. So how to get millions of rows ?

These are two completely different things.

  • Basic API: This is the Glide API, that allows you to add/edit/delete rows from an external source. Each add/edit/delete uses one update. Learn more here.
  • Call API: This is an integration that allows you to make secure authenticated API calls from your Glide App to external API services. It’s restricted to Business plan and above. Learn more here.

If you expect to have more than 25k users, I would suggest reaching out to Glide Sales to discuss options.

To go above 100k rows, you would need to move to an Enterprise Plan. Again, best to contact Glide Sales to discuss your requirements.


I have been watching Glide for a bit and determining if its the right platform to begin my projects. Kinda decided it was because of the user content and help available.
I also took the “Innovator Quiz,” and it turns out I’m a Builder. Good, let’s get building!!
Then I had some questions about the applicable use and came to the community. I started browsing this thread, and holy smokes… I’m as confused as a kangaroo in a snowstorm !!
So, some background and what I’m up to for hopefully some clarity answers.
I am a farmer who has some ideas for 10 apps that would center around a main app. These apps are specific to soil health and carbon sequestration.

  • I might not off the hop, but if I understand,I have no way of capitalizing on these apps other than to offer my building and idea skills?
  • each individual farmer would not have his own data base if my user?
  • to talk the user into implementing the app into their business I have to talk them into Glide?
  • API, in my case, would be imperative but only comes with Enterprise.? It seems to me that APIs are the key to seamless data communication.

I opinion for what it’s worth. The model in the hands of a billion users is a good one certainly, but it takes away the Innovator “Entrepreneur” Builder. If I had to pull numbers out of my ear … I have 100 farmers that like the app only 2 are going to further develop in Glide.
Maybe a compromising solution is to have the Maker plan with a Glide “charge for access (5% transaction fee)”.

And give the devs all the tools they need to make great apps to bolster Glides revenue so they can offer the 99% non-coders more for free!

Row Owners can be used to effectively segregate user data.

Not true. Team, Business & Enterprise Plans all provide access to the Glide API.
If you are referring to the Call API feature (that allows you to make API calls to external services), then that is only available with Business & Enterprise. However, you can use Trigger Webhook in combination with a tool like Make to effectively do the same thing.

I’ll leave your remaining two points for others to address.


I have a request about the Maker Plan :

Since unlimited user is possible with this plan, it means it will be big apps. The row limit of 25 000 is quite low in that case.

Would it be possible to extend it or to buy extra rows once the limit is reached ?

Thanks @Darren_Murphy for your quick answer.

1 - Please do you know it row limits is per app or only for one plan ?

2 - What about personal users for the Team Plan, is it 20 for the whole plan or 20 per app ?

On Maker, extra updates can be purchased, just not extra rows.

As far as I understand the plans, all three Free, Maker and Team can leverage spreadsheet data sources only (Google Sheets, Excel, Airtable) and not scalable data sources such as SQL. Regardless of the number of users. So in their very nature, apps on Free, Maker and Team are not meant to truly scale.

The Maker plan is $600 per year (or $6000 per decade) for an app that a community of “unlimited” users can access. If the app can run on 25k rows or less, Maker does give us quite a bit already at a reasonable price.

I would not be surprised if in the future, the 25k limit will be raised, especially on Glide Tables. But this is only speculation on my part.

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Row limits are per app.

The Free and Maker plans include 1 published app (one on each plan). The Team, Business and Entreprise plans include unlimited apps.

The Team plan, as well as the Business plan, include 20 users across all apps on the plan. Extra users can be purchased ($4 monthly per user on Team, $8 monthly per user on Business).

For example, if you purchase a Team plan and expect to have 30 active users monthly:

  • 20 users are included in the plan, there is no charge for these
  • 10 extra users will cost 10 x $4 = $40 monthly.

Thanks Nathanael

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Row limits are per App.

User limits are per Team, but most plans allow for purchasing exta users.

If you’re expecting more than 25,000 users, that suggests that you’re intending to build a consumer App. This is not what Glide is intended for. Glide is a good choice for prototyping such an App, but if you want to put something like that into production you should choose another tool/platform.


Hi @NoCodeAndy, looking forward to any updates to these plans :smiley:


I absolutely love Glide. It’s probably the best no code tool to exist. It has really helped my business operations. But the pricing makes no sense.

I understand the company’s main objective is for internal business tools but A LOT of people have found ways to use it beyond just as an internal tool. The personal users plans vs 25 users plans just makes no sense. Jet Admins has a better pricing structure.

I strongly believe Glide needs to be more open minded and rethink its pricing + add features that makes its target market much much bigger. Features like stripe integration, payment options etc can make Glide so much more appealing.

I have ideas to cater to a large number of users but I’m stuck because I want both professional email addresses and personal email addresses to use my app (which maker plan won’t allow and other plans have 25 user limit and then it gets too expensive)

I hope Glide rethinks their strategy. Keep making this platform awesome.


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Glide is fantastic!
I built 2 apps with Glide, of course with help from this community.
I have 3 more ideas for apps.
With new plans you moved Airtable from 25 USD/month (old Starter plan) to 125 USD/month (new Team plan)
Why don’t you allow non-tech founders/developers/freelancers to have backup database, for a normal price?
In my country (Croatia, Europe) average monthly wage is 1.000 USD, so 125 USD/month is a lot.
Non of my clients will ever pay me more than 150 USD monthly per app.
Expert program is in theory good idea, but none of my clients will never grow to the scale that I will benefit from their growth.

I really hope that you rethink plans and pricing.
Seriously searching for a new platform…