UPDATE PLS TEST International Code Ice-Breaker (JS Column Code powered by George Glide) w/ your language accentuated names Nov 15 (Monday) : My WIP Prototype Sharonᴾᴹ

Just updated the app (Production + Your Lab Version)
Link on top of this thread, or here again https://labsharonpm.glideapp.io/

Take a tour, ex:
1/Backgrounds are here, even not all final.
2/Color Column + Adjust Color to get 0.5 transparency in Cards image display
3/Youtube thumbnails, even when video integration is not allowed
4/George’s Alpha JS code for converting your Name into Int’l code is in
4. Activités then Ice-breakers @George-Glide

Oups! I forgot to use User-Specific Column to set and reset Default Value for Anonymous or Named users. Correction OK.

5/The customized message is ready for Cloudinary image integration (when I’ll have time to do that) @ThinhDinh in the “Main Lobby” (Accueil 4 Espace), at the bottom, as a Complimentary Card, with a symbolic cup of coffee as placeholder.
Translation: "Here’s your hot drink. Thank you , Sharon, Today (next: Relative Time)
6/All the hats/fedora are consistent throughout the app, except Planning Poker. Especially all referring to 1 single centralized image by lookup and template (thks @Jeff_Hager or was it @Darren_Murphy?), and I had not lost any Customized Action nor layout in the process, phew! So relieved :sweat_smile:

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Amazing Ly-Mei :star_struck::fire:

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Thks Lucas.
Can you test the International Alpha code in the 4\Activités then Ice-breakers
With a Spanish accentuated name to test if it’s OK?
@ThinhDinh would you mind testing with Vietnamese accentuated names?
Thks for your help. I have my exam on Thursday 25

Actually I speak Portuguese

Sorry! Of course, Brazil. Pls accept my apologies. Can you test with Portuguese accentuated names/words?
Thks, Lucas :cherry_blossom:

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UPDATE. Double Background in the Main Lobby.

The Guest Lounge Chair with the Complimentary Card and Next the Cloudinary Hot Drink Image with User’s Name why not in a rounded privileged badge on the cup. Cloudinary can display a User Name in circle, right, @ThinhDinh?
The drink will be laid on the card as if it was a low bar, on the left corner. Should look nice.
2 backgrounds, as CSS allows up to 2. The armchair in front, the scarve on the back.

Would be cool if I could add a slow “lightsaber” low sound on door sliding…

As long as you have an idea of where to put the text on the image, it should work. I assume you mean putting the text inside a circle?

Regarding the test with accentuated names, I don’t know if it’s right or now but here’s my result.


The 1st D is missing. You got an hyphen instead.
try with all the accentuated characters or special characters of your alphabet to see if there could be a matching letter among the 26. And to check whether other letters are missing.
For Cloudinary, yes, I’ll test later, if it’s not complicated and provided I find a suitable set of images that could fit my needs and design.

I’lm planning to create an international english version of this app for 2022, so I have time. And I’m sure this JS would be ready the day you own a ship, an helicopter, a plane, a submarine… anything that would require an international code of signals :pirate_flag::checkered_flag: :white_flag:‍:rainbow: :flight_departure: :ship: :helicopter: :rocket:
:sweat_smile: Is there a list of all local specific alphabet to include in the JS for exceptions? Are they in the ASCII table?

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I’m pretty sure there won’t be a match among the accentuated characters and special characters in my language, as we also have the “D” version as a character. That one will match.

We have a lot of accentuated versions of normal characters. Let’s say for A there will be Á, À, Ả, Ã, Ạ, Â, Ấ, Ẩ, Ẫ, Ậ, Ắ, Ằ, Ẳ, Ẵ, Ặ.

Hi i can’t reproduce your app, can you fix it please.

Hi, Sorry, you can test it, but not copy it. Especially if it’s for my diploma exam till mid 2022. If it’s George’s JS Code you want for the Ice-breaker, you can find it here Is there a column-type to convert an array of A-Z to an array of 1-26 (position in the alphabet)?

Can you try one last time to mix your Name inside this picture, pls? It will serve as the cup/mug/glass label. Then, I can work on it later with all my options as soon as I manage to use Cloudinary.
In circle if readable
Black Merienda (or Poppins or Roboto if it’s more convenient for you)
Does Cloudinary adjust text size depending of length, or do we have to set a fixed size based of the max length expected (and set in User Profile a short nickname for his/her drink label)?
Thks, ThinhDinh :cherry_blossom:

No, you have to set it yourself.

Sorry I won’t have the time to test this during the week. You can try it yourself from this tutorial.


Perfect. Thks :cherry_blossom:

Not sure what I’m supposed to select in the sign-in process. Do I have only 1 option?

I’m the only one to create content and publish to my app.
But of course, all of my users must see the result in my app, even Anonymous.
I don’t understand the explanation they gave on the side. It’s not an English pb :grin:

I don’t remember what I selected there (it was a long while ago) but I think Programmable Media looks like the right one.

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Thks. Actually, there’s only one Free Plan. So it confirms your choice, as I found this.

Too bad: I should have asked you or anyone to invite me. It could have given you bonuses. Sorry. I’ll ask next time I need a new third-party tool :wink:

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Don’t worry about the invitation link, especially for Cloudinary, since they have a very generous free tier.

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