Update Automatically Today Function

Hi Everyone,

I have a lot of Cells on my google sheets with the Today Function. This cells do not update automatically. The only way is to open the files every day… However i chose to calculate all the functions every hour in the settings of my files but i still need to open the files for update.

Do you have a solution ?
Thanks in advance

Why don’t you take the time now with the math column?

I do. I use the time now with the math column just for show the time on the app but no updates for all the cells with the today function (for example a cell like : =datedif(A4;TODAY();“d”) doesn’t change automatically every day if i don’t open the files)

What I meant was using calculations within Glide. However, if this is in a spreadsheet, the formula you provided is incorrect. It should be as follows: =DATEDIF(A4, TODAY(), "d") .

You can change how often it is calculated via Spreadsheet Settings → Calculation

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All my formula are correct and i put every hour for calculation. I can do the same formula with glide ?

Why not use the Math NOW functionality in Glide? That will give you a time that updates every 10 seconds.

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Thanks a lot ! Is it possible with glide to filter data on a new table ? For example i would like all the lines with 100 days in the date difference colonne.

I’m not quite sure what you mean by ‘new table.’ You can try it out yourself. If you mean filtering on a collection component, then yes, of course.

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Thanks a lot all. I achieved what I wanted to do thanks to you

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