Too much google sync

GS is refreshing, which triggers Glide, turn off auto-refreshing, and do not open GS for a day… when you open a sheet… sheet will refresh.
check the sheet settings:

also not open Glide Editor… I do not know if that will refresh sheets to sync… also opening a life app might count as sync… because it takes fresh data… but it might not… many times I need to refresh editor to sync sheets with live app

on change and every hour.
but “this affects how often NOW, TODAY, RAND and RANDDETWEEN are updated”
i don’t use this or any other comand.

now i choice “on change” only. will see.
after a while will add new row through app and see how it will be represented in usage

it does not help.
in normal user use that make 2 edit - also make 2 sync

some investigation and suspicies.

in my team folder i found a copy of app (as bekup) that linked to same GS. that copy not published, and i guess should not be synced in case of deleted structure in GS.

but who knows…

if i make a copy, and it will be linked to same GS, but not published - it will use SYNC or not?

@DJP @david @DarrenHumphries can you reply about this? should warry about copies or not?

report for last day (24h):
1 add, 57 edit, 38 sync
for clear: about ADD and EDITS - all ok, as it should be.
but SYNC - must be a zero…

Yes, this could be a source of Syncs. An unpublished project will not use Adds, Edits, or Deletes.

However, an unpublished project can use Syncs if it’s connected to an external data source that has data that is changing.

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ok. will keep it in mind for future.

in my situation - it should not affect as there are a yellow rectangle that ask for decision about syncing. and it should be uncynced several month…

about unpublishet project.

when it synced (get data from GS)? right after appear new data in GS or when app opened in builder?

and other question connected to this situation:
if in GS some column was deleted - Glide stop syncing whole GS or just table where was deleted column, or just a delited column?

problem still exist.
please help

:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:
16 days until refresh
just 173 updates for work and 1092 sync that must be just about 5

Did you find the solution??
I am currently having the same problem! so many sync’s but i dont know from what!

My quota for the month will be used up soon. I dont know what to do.

No, this question still actual :frowning_face: