Text to Date column not working

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Text to Date is not working. Here an screen shoot:

Some of the rows (Gener, Febrer, Març) ara working fine but others change time from the original template (Abril, Maig, Juny…).

How to replicate

Please check the issue since I’m stoped at this point and I can go further.


It has probably something to do with the respect timezone option. Try to uncheck it.

Thanks Maxime,

I’ve already tried that but still the error remains:

And it’s so wierd that it happens in some rows but no inthe others…

Thanks for your advice anyway;)!

Any other tips will be apreciatte.


Is it possible that it happens when there is no time in the template?

I’m afraid it’s not the case… See Abril, Maig where is a time informed but the text to date doesn’t work…

I’m guessing daylight savings is factoring in for any dates between March 9 and November 2. Might need to do something with specifying UTC or a specific timezone or offset.

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I wonder if template column could potentially change something in the date config that create an issue when using that column somewhere else.