Test: sign in and order flow

Hello everyone, I would like to present my App in progress :smile:

and find out if the flow, choice, order and payment makes any sense.
Anyone who can please take the test using the name + * so I can identify who is a member of the community.

Thank you

Ps. The “sign in button” inside the form, is this OK?

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Hi Silvio, with this flow do you intend to let people who don’t sign in submit forms as well?

Hello ThinhDinh, thank you for your email/test. Actually I will need only signed people to go further and fulfill the order via PayPal…

So I would advise you to show a login button when the user hasn’t signed in, then your form button when they have signed in. Would that flow work?

Yes, this could work fine.
Another easy solution is to enable one required email entry.
Thanks ThinhDinh :clap:

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