Should you ask user to log in from the get go?

Hi guys,

I would love your opinions on this. It’s not necessarily related to the Glideapps itself, but just wanted to know what’s your opinion on sign in page?

If you were a marketplace platform, would you ask everyone to sign in or just give them access to the platform and have the sign in options anyway.


Hola @CL213

I usually let them see the app and browse all around it if they want to do something else, say, buy something, I, then, prompt them to sign in.

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I personally like removing as much friction for the user as possible. So when someone has to take the time to sign up before they see anything, it will turn many away. Best to let them browse the goods and then have certain actions require an account to get started. You want people to create an account because they want to be a part of your site, not because they have to in order to explore it.


Thanks for your feedback Joe. I totally agree, we want people to sign up not because they have to.

Hi Santiago, sounds good! That’s what I’m currently doing, thanks again!

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