Template (with Choice Component)

Does anyone have an app that uses the “choice” component? I’m trying to learn how to use it so I can see if it will do what I need it to do? Thanks!

Have a look at some of the templates. Here is one that uses the choice component. The concept is pretty simple. You just add the component and then choose the sheet and column that contains the list of items and then the column where you want the chosen item to be sent to.


I have one here to change the Bible version.


@Jeff_Hager (reviving this topic) I am trying to use Choice component on a Template column type. It comes up blank. Is it because of Template being a calculated field?

What do you mean by “choice component on a Template column type”? Do you mean you’re pointing the list of potential chocies to a template column? It should work, and might show up as blank because you have not made a choice yet.

@ThinhDinh you are correct and… Well, user error - I had a filter on an that was the cause of my problem.

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