Bug with "Choice" Components

Hi Guys,

Best wishes for the year 2020.
I am having an issue lately with Choice Component. I want my user to be able to choose between 2 views: Calendar or Map.
So I have created a tab based on sheet with booking data.
I chose detail screen.
I have created a Choice component and 2 inline lists based on the same sheet.
One Inline list with “Calendar Layout” and the other with “Map Layout”.
I created a User Specific Column to hold users choice.
When I choose the horizontal display for choice component, it keeps going back to blank.
When I use the drop-down option, it is greyed out as if there are no option available.
I am puzzled because I often use choice component.
Anyone had that problem before ?

Many thanks for your help and happy new year 2021.

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Do you have any filters enabled under the choice component? Are you using row owners?

Filters are listed under the features section of the component.

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I am using a user specific column and I did not set filters yet

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Can you show us some screenshots?

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You most likely have a filter on the tab’s detail screen. The choice component needs a row to update and it sounds like there is no row to update, so the choice is either greyed out or disappears.

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I recorded a quick video that is worth a thousand words. Hope this helps.

I do have a filter on because there are an awful lot of data and my users are only interested on upcoming events not past ones so I set a fllter on events “on or after today”


The details view shouldn’t need a filter. If the detail screen doesn’t have a filter, it will just attach to the first row in the sheet, which is where it appears that you want the choice value to go. Your current filter appears to be attaching to the last row and that’s where the choice is being set. In reality, it shouldn’t matter because your choice is showing and you can set a value. Your visibility for the calendar and the map should still work as long as your have the visibility on those components best correctly. Can you show what you have for your component visibility settings?


Hi @Jeff_Hager
I got it now. Rookie mistake.
I misplaced my filter. I indeed put it on the detail screen whereas it should have been on each inline List individually. My bad.
What I have done is that I have added 2 inline list: one with “Map Layout” and the other with “Calendar Layout” and THEN set my filter. Silly me. :sweat_smile:

Thanks for your external eye.

Once Again happy new year.

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