May 12, 2021, 5:01am
i know i keep bringing this up over and over…
It is really a time to fix tablet view
i think my solution is easy and fast!
in tablet view:
split screen in 3 vertical windows:
window 1 : first screen from active TAB *** 35% width
window 2 : active action coming from original screen of this TAB (if no action related, show preset message, image or screen) *** 40% width
window 3 : TAB bar… move from bottom to the right window… this will make extend screen vertically and fill up horizontally whole screen) *** 25% width
reduce fonts, images, buttons… by 30% (in tablet view)
add option to make titles, description, caption on the side of the image in list view
introduce new option for components - “hide/show in tablet or mobile view”
thats all! I think is not hard to do and it will improve a lot!
Ps: most of these improvements we can do now using CSS… so why not make it native?
May 12, 2021, 6:46am
let’s help Glide to make Glide the best!
Why when installing app on computer Tablet view is not shown?
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May 28, 2021, 1:56am
I disconnected that app from PRO.
You can see new tablet view in this App:
new link
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Can you show me how to have that Tablet mode,i’m pro but still not able to have it , thanks.
May 29, 2021, 7:34am
you need to settings - tablet & desktop, and check these 2 boxes.
May 29, 2021, 7:44am
@Manu_Marea did you found it?
if i do i have only a giant enormous mega phone view… so i check’d only the first one if i remember
, its a boxed view but in terms of marketing its better,
May 29, 2021, 8:38am
check both of them and see if it changes ?
no it doesn’t, i think if you use details inline list stays like this , its a sin but i can live with it while the do
I don’t understand…by the way a double side even on inline list would be pretty but with with inline details you can use the rich text editor so its up to you